Friday, April 19, 2013

Life Changes All At Once

Never mind that I recently became engaged this past December, I'd like to throw in a career change in the mix too!  If everything is going to change, might as well do it all at once.

I am no longer a Chemist by day and amateur baker by night.  I am a full-time amateur baker!  After years of being too scared to leave a decently paying job (with benefits!!!), I finally took a flying leap off the diving board and into unemployment-ville.  Of course I could never have done it without the full support of my finace.  He has been completely supportive of my dreams, and even though I have full confidence in myself, it helps that he's behind me 100%.  I owe it not only to myself, but to the love of my life to be the best person I can be.

I love this picture; it's just too bad half my face is missing ;)

Somewhere in the social media world I found a great saying that I repeat to myself a lot:  Goals are dreams with deadlines.  It's all well and good to dream, but there needs to be action behind those dreams to make them real.  Hence, my goals include enrolling into a pastry/baking certificate program offered at a local community college whilst working in a bakery.  I've been able to secure a part-time baking position with a small, up and coming bakery so I feel like I'm on Cloud 9.  It's actually happening!  The ball is rolling!  

There's lot of crazy planning going on with both career changes and wedding planning (8 more months!), but I don't think I would have it any other way.  Expect to see more blogging from me!

I now leave you with a random picture I took of freshly baked chocolate chip scones I made today on this beautiful Friday.  

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